
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

FiftyTinyToes In Paint

Since our moniker is FiftyTinyToes, some foot art seemed like a natural course of action.  I was inspired by a Facebook post (I know, shocker: moi, on Facebook?...) about an artist in Eugene, OR, who was demonstrating some foot-painting downtown; my cousin got to participate with her little ones.  She posted pics on Facebook and I thought it looked like great fun.  It was great fun... also a great mess.  The plan originally involved hosing the children off post-painting but the temperatures were sub-65 that day so we ended up lugging the five of them up to the master bath.  What a situation.  The plan also involved paint that advertised itself as "completely washable" and turned out to be anything but.  For those of you considering this project, I recommend Crayola Washable Finger Paints

Lindsay brought over disposable foil baking trays to pour the paint into and we used a large strip of white butcher paper as the canvas.  We helped them dip their tootsies in the paint and walk gingerly across the [taped-down] paper, and we had another strip of butcher paper and giant coloring-book pages waiting for them when they finished.  We're each going to keep an 11 by 13 inch section of the masterpiece--we captured a precious moment in their childhoods and they had a ball.  There was a time where the mess this project created would have sent me into full-fledged panic attack, but toddlers love making messes and lately I've been trying to embrace my inner Pig-Pen.  Try it with your kiddos this week! 

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