
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Garage Sale-in' Fools

It only happens once a year folks...the Lakeland Hills Neighborhood Garage Sale and it is fan-freakin-tastic! We always have a very precise plan of attack and move through the hundreds (may be a slight exaggeration, but go with it) of sales with frantic frenzy...ahem...grace. We are armed with a wish list written days in advance, Starbucks, re-useable grocery bags, and a mama mobile sans car seats!

2011's first purchase of the day. The Notebook. A classic. Sarah was pleased! (until she saw one later with hottie Ryan Gosling on the cover. Doh!)

These babies were a dollar each and brought a huge smile to little Carter man's face!

Sarah's loot.

Lindsay's number one wish list item. A kid-sized picnic table: $5.00

Great day!

Summer time fun: $7.00

Best find? Two identical (and brand new) Superman sleeping bags: $1.00 each!

Hannah loves Scooby Doo so Sarah was stoked to find this $2 costume!

Find of the day? Maybe Doug's new Star Wars toy. Vintage for $0.50. It transforms from the ship below (complete with miniatures) into Han and Chewy-bots above.

Sarah's new sangria pitcher! $3!

Love the bowl: $2 and it now resides on top of the fridge. Shiny!

1 comment:

  1. 2011's first purchase of the day. The Notebook. A classic. Sarah was pleased! (until she saw one later with hottie Ryan Gosling on the cover. Doh!)
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